Congrats on making it so far into your no-buy challenge, it’s inspiring. So much research shows that we become more creative when we have less resources. Loved the ready steady cook reference because I always tell my husband my best meals have been made when I am working with the last dredges from the fridge and pantry.

To bring it back to fashion, totally thinking about doing a no-buy year and it may come sooner rather than later.

Appreciate you sharing your experiences 🤍

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Thanks Nyachomba. When it comes to starting your own nobuy is there anything in particular you’re nervous about/have thoughts about? I ask because i want to make some more pieces geared towards helping others do a nobuy in order to increase their creativity and would love to hear your thoughts?x

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Thanks for asking, I was thinking about this earlier today. Basically because I grew up without access to trendy clothes as a girl who absolutely loved fashion, being able to purchase clothes feels like I am giving my inner child what she missed. A no-buy feels like I am limiting myself. Understanding that now makes me feel like as grown up Nyachomba I need to allow myself to know that I have enough and let little Nyash enjoy what she has now and be creative with it.

I am sure I went much deeper than you expected with my answer🫠😂

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Thank you so much for sharing, that makes so much sense!xx

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I relate to this so hard 🙏🏻 and…for me at least…I think both my grown-up self and my inner child sometimes still struggle to make the leap from “I have enough” to “I AM enough”. People will still like me even if I’m wearing last year’s boots. I will still be beautiful and interesting if I don’t buy that new dress from my favourite designer. Eesh. It’s a lot easier said than done!

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I feel you!!! You are enough!!! So true and I think most people actually I know most people won’t even notice that your boots are last seasons!! A reminder to myself

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Thanks for your comment Kiks, I can relate to this so hard. I’ve had to get very much reacquainted with my inner child through this challenge and it’s actually part of what’s made the challenge so special x

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Oct 4Liked by Harriet Hadfield

[insert gif of Monica Geller rolling her eyes on the sofa]

Gahhh I think I’m doing it. I’m in. No buy! Length of time tbd.

Thank you for sharing your year with us! I’d love to know if you feel like you missed out on any trends or new silhouettes during your 365 no buy.

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lol! I really don’t feel like I’ve missed out at all. I just tell my brain I’m not in a rush and just because I can’t have them now doesn’t mean I won’t have them one day if they’re meant to be in my wardrobe. I’m grateful for the space it’s given me to decide if something really does appeal to me beyond the cycle of something trending. x

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Harry, you nailed it for me so well. Especially with lots of things in a closet, there can be analysis paralysis. For me, some constraints are always freeing, they free me from feeling frozen and force me to JUST PLAY! I find I use all sorts of measures to create constraints -- from the weekly themes (and thank you for the shout out) and Sunday night outfit planning, to detailed functionality needs (I am going to walk to dinner!), to my Clockwise Challenges -- when I just force myself to go clockwise in my closet! I will be here for you as you come off your 365 and happy to help be a partner in play with you! XOXOXO

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Thanks Rachel xxx

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I agree, Harriet, these types of constraints can be creative boosts, forcing you to work with what you’ve got. I’ve done multiple types of clothing challenges over my blogging career, including a 30 for 30 (30 items worn in 30 days) over a full year. My extra challenge was that I had a unique 30 items every month. I have also done a year of “one in, one out,” where you have to get rid of a “like” item (ie. if you buy a pair of shoes, you must let go of a pair). That was a good challenge for getting “closet bloat” under control.

The current Buy 5 is a good way to get the creative juices flowing! I love reading about your insights, thank you.💕

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Oh that’s so fun Sheila! Love all the ways you’ve challenged yourself x

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wondering if your no buy has changed the way you feel about purging/selling off clothes? are you still getting rid of things you don’t like (even if they do fit), or are you finding ways to like them again?

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Hi Amy, great question! It has actually in a really positive way. First up I have more data now so even if I think I’m not reaching for something I can back it up with data. Then I ruminate on why I’m not wearing said item. Sometimes I do find myself having a wardrobe playdate with said item and showing myself look at all the ways you can wear this (and then fall back in love with it), but also…sometimes the opposite happens. Funny enough I’ve sold over 12 items so far because I could see those pieces just weren’t serving me anymore/i didn’t love my reasons for purchasing them in the first place. I try really hard to tune into how i feel in my clothes. That’s my North Star, but the creative constraints have made the pieces I have kept pieces I’m so grateful to have x

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Oooh great question!

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I have never been able to successfully finish a no buy challenge - I deep down think it stems from being an overweight child, teen, 20s and having very limited options presented to me for the fashion I so wanted to wear. I think, presented with options now that I can readily buy when some influencer promotes it overrides my logic and makes me buy to feel “included” and “on trend” compared to my earlier years.

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Hi Alessandra, that makes total sense. I totally relate! I’ve definitely had those thoughts before too, when I feel I’ve been denied something my instant response used to be I bloody deserve this if it did become available, irrelevant of whether I really wanted it or not. I’ve struggled throughout my teens and early twenties with my relationship to weight and my body and that had a huge impact on my shopping habits and a desperate need to feel included. Thank you for sharing x

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I’m starting a no-buy on oct 1st and I am excited to see what restraint does for my creativity. Thank you for sharing your experience.

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Thanks Laura, excited for you to start your own challenge!x

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